MassagexGossip Workshop

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*English information follows Japanese



会場STUDIO CDA YOKOHAMA横浜市神奈川区台町1-7 ウェイサイドビル 503号室









MassagexGossip Project Workshop by Leu Wijee and Nagara Wada MassagexGossip is the collaboration project with Leu Wijee, a choreographer from Indonesia, and Nagara Wada, a director from Japan. What do we find new vocabulary of performance when combining Massage as a way to generate movements and Gossip as a way to generate narrative? Based on experiences in Bangkok, Taipei and Jakarta, Wijee and Wada will share their ideas and develop this projects’ potential with participants in this workshop.

Date: 11th December 2024, 19:30-21:00


Facilitators: Leu Wijee, Nagara Wada

Language: English and Japanese

Fee: 1,000 yen

Capacity: 10


Organized by shitatame


レウ・ウィジェ Leu Wijee (Indonesia / Palu & Jakarta)


近年、彼はさまざまなパフォーマンスに参加している。主なものに、Asia Discovers Asia meeting for Contemporary Performance (2023、2024)、インドネシアダンスフェスティバル(2022、2024)、台東フリンジフェスティバル(2023)、Sync Next(2022)、Stre@m - An Asian Dance Degital Platform(2022-23)、東京芸術祭Farm-Lab Exhibition(2021)、Helatari Salihara(2021)など。

Born in Parigi, Central Sulawesi.
Leu Wijee is an (self-taught) Indonesian artist, choreographer and dancer based in between Palu and Jakarta. Describe his approach “between disaster and dance” as a way of thinking, involving destroy-renew and mix-remix ideas to build up a performance. Mostly, He experiments and uses choreography to switch on “many things” (senses, spaces, sounds, objects, etc). “Although choreography is my prime medium, I sees that anything which is moving resonates with my artistic practice”
In recent years, he has participated in various performances, such as in Asia Discovers Asia meeting for Contemporary Performance (Lab 2024) (Kitchen 2023) Bangkok and Taipei respectively; Indonesian Dance Festival (Kampana 2022) (Evening Performance 2024) Jakarta; Taitung Fringe Festival (2023); Sync Next (2022) Seoul; Stre@m - An Asian Dance Digital Platform (2022-2023) Seoul and Singapore; Farm-Lab Exhibition (2021) Tokyo; Helatari Salihara (2021) Jakarta. 

和田ながら Nagara Wada (Japan / Kyoto)

京都造形芸術大学芸術学部映像・舞台芸術学科卒業、同大学大学院芸術研究科修士課程修了。2011年2月に自身のユニット「したため」を立ち上げ、京都を拠点に演出家として活動を始める。美術、写真、音楽、建築など異なる領域のアーティストとも共同作業を行う。KYOTO EXPERIMENTに、『擬娩』の再創作(やんツーとのコラボレーション)、リサーチプロジェクトKansai Studiesの演劇作品化(dot architectsとのコラボレーション)で2年連続参加。2018年より、京都木屋町三条の多角的アートスペース・UrBANGUILDのブッキングスタッフ。2024年、KYOTO EXPERIMENTにてショーケースプログラム「Echoes Now」のキュレーターをつとめる。NPO法人京都舞台芸術協会理事長。

Establishing shitatame in February 2011, she started working as a theater director based in Kyoto. In her practice, she has a strong interest in the act of acting, and aims to construct a specific grammar of acting for each work by interpreting texts and motifs as if photographing them close up. She often collaborates with artists from such other fields as fine arts, photography, music, architecture and sculpture. She has participated to Kyoto Experiment (Kyoto international performing arts festival) twice. In 2021, she collaborated with yang02 on Couvade. In 2022 she co-directed with dot architects on Countercurrent Journeys. Since 2018, she has served as the booking staff member for the multidisciplinary art space UrBANGUILD. Since 2024, She is one of the curators of Echoes Now, a showcase program in Kyoto Experiment.

photo: Yuki Moriya

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